Motor Vehicle Accidents

What You Need To Know About Wrong-Way Driver Car Accidents in Oregon

“You’re going the wrong way!”… Why does wrong-way driving still occur so frequently? Today’s blog will review what we know about common wrong-way driving characteristics, and how to avoid wrong-way driver car accidents in Oregon. My goal is to help you become more aware and execute defensive driving during particular hours of the day. One would… read more

Top 5 Mistakes That Can Hurt Your Personal Injury Claim

Personal injury cases can be very complex and can undergo numerous phases in order to reach a conclusion including investigations, negotiations, arbitration or trial. Initially, clients who have been hurt, at no fault of their own, assume the liable party’s insurance will pay to have their property and injuries restored to pre-accident condition. This is not the case…. read more

The Cost of an Uninsured Driver Accident

Driving uninsured may be riskier and have more of a finacial impact on your wallet than you realize, especially if you are involved in an uninsured driver accident. Today’s blog will review what happens to an uninsured driver if they are a) caught driving without car insurance, b) they cause a car accident, and c) a breakdown of… read more

UM/UIM Motorist Coverage: Is it Necessary?

If you have been involved in a car accident, your Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist (UI/UIM) insurance may be the best investment you have ever made! Why? In the U.S., you share the road with 30 million UNINSURED drivers, not to mention the tens of millions more that drive with only state-mandated minimum coverages. To protect yourself and… read more

Identifying Child PTSD Symptoms Following an Accident

Today, I’d like to review child PTSD symptoms, and ways you can help your child cope and heal emotionally after a car accident. A relative of mine recently fell victim of a hit-and-run car crash with her two children in the car, ages 4 and 7. Thankfully there were no long-term, serious injuries. The aftermath was a… read more

9 Ways to Avoid Getting Duped by Insurance Company Settlement Tactics… And Recover For Your Injuries

We’ve become very familiar with radio and TV ads portraying the friendly insurance agent…. your dear friend….. interested in watching out for only you. Yet faced with an injury claim, the reality is a bit different. Insurance companies are not your friends, and like a sneaky fox, should not be trusted. It is important to understand their… read more

New Advances in Spinal Cord Injury Treatments Offer Hope

Now, unlike ever before, new methods of treatment show promise for rehabilitating paralyzed patients with spinal cord injury. A variety of methods – some available now and others on the horizon – have people rethinking prognosis, including the probability of restoring movement and other body functions. Today I’d like to review some of the major advancements in… read more

Which cars reduce your chance of a fatal car accident?

Weekly headlines chronicle dozens of Oregon fatal car accidents. It seems we are constantly being reminded of the tragic impact that fatal accidents have on our lives, families and communities. But did you know that fatal car accidents in Oregon are actually on the DECLINE? In a recent study, Oregon was ranked in the top… read more

What is my personal injury case worth?

When I meet with a client for the first time to review details of their personal injury case, I am inevitably asked, “What is my personal injury case worth?” This is a complex question that is not easily answered. Determining the potential value of a personal injury case requires thoughtful evaluation and gathering of facts… read more

Top 10 Safety Tips for Driving in Bad Weather

Minimizing the Risk of a Car Accident in Bad Weather Driving safely in Portland can be a challenge for even the most cautious drivers. Add heavy rain and early morning fog into an already congested driving environment, and the chance of a car crash increases substantially. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) statistics indicate that 25% of all… read more