5 Common Types Of Workplace Injuries
The skills and duties of jobs across the country vary greatly, but nearly every workplace presents hazards that could result in workplace injuries. If you or a loved one suffers an injury as a result of the conditions in your workplace, you could seek compensation for medical bills and lost wages by working with personal… read more
The Top Causes Of Motor Vehicle Accidents In 2018
While we often like to think that we’re entirely safe while we’re out on the road, this is often not the case. Dangers of driving lurk everywhere, and many unfortunately common behaviors contribute to car accidents on a regular basis. Here are the most common causes of motor vehicle accidents within the past year…. read more
Signs of Intoxication: How to Spot Drunk Drivers on the Road
If asked directly, most of us would emphatically say that we would never get behind the wheel while we were intoxicated. But in 2015 alone, nearly 1.1 million drivers were arrested for driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol — and it’s likely that millions more have driven drunk but have not been… read more
What Is Defamation and How to Handle It
So, someone has said something untrue and less than nice about you or your business. Now what? While you might feel inclined to brush it off, it might be worthwhile to pursue legal action and take that person to court for defamation. To help you figure out if you have a viable case, we will… read more