UM/UIM Insurance
Top 5 Mistakes That Can Hurt Your Personal Injury Claim
Personal injury cases can be very complex and can undergo numerous phases in order to reach a conclusion including investigations, negotiations, arbitration or trial. Initially, clients who have been hurt, at no fault of their own, assume the liable party’s insurance will pay to have their property and injuries restored to pre-accident condition. This is not the case…. read more
UM/UIM Motorist Coverage: Is it Necessary?
If you have been involved in a car accident, your Uninsured or Underinsured Motorist (UI/UIM) insurance may be the best investment you have ever made! Why? In the U.S., you share the road with 30 million UNINSURED drivers, not to mention the tens of millions more that drive with only state-mandated minimum coverages. To protect yourself and… read more
UM UIM Insurance – Are You Adequately Covered?
Most people take their auto insurance for granted. Oftentimes auto insurance becomes another expense we must pay. But when was the last time you looked at your motor vehicle insurance policy to assess if you are properly insured? Do you know how much coverage you currently have on your vehicles? Oregon law requires drivers to… read more