Portland Personal Injury Lawyer
Top 5 Mistakes That Can Hurt Your Personal Injury Claim
Personal injury cases can be very complex and can undergo numerous phases in order to reach a conclusion including investigations, negotiations, arbitration or trial. Initially, clients who have been hurt, at no fault of their own, assume the liable party’s insurance will pay to have their property and injuries restored to pre-accident condition. This is not the case…. read more
A Courtesy “Wave” : Should A Well-Intentioned Driver Be Held Liable For Injuries?
Should a well-intentioned driver who provides an, “all clear” wave to another driver, resulting in serious injury to other people on the road be held liable? This is the question a Multnomah County jury could face if the recent lawsuit filed by Portland bicyclist Cynthia Lewellen goes to trial. Oregonlive.com repots that Lewellen, an avid cyclist, is suing two… read more
Distracted Driving in Oregon: The Dangers of Technological Distractions
As technology progresses, so does the epidemic of distracted driving. It is a problem on the rise because we are living in a society that craves convenience and tends to reward multitasking.
Free Medical Alert Card Download [with Infographic]
Using my previous post, 8 Reasons Why You Need A Medical Alert Information Card, I created an informative infographic highlighting the benefits of developing a card for each member of your family. As a personal injury attorney, I often hear of examples where breakdowns in communication occured during the post-accident chaos. Medial Alert Information Cards provide peace-of-mind and actually save lives!
8 Reasons Why You Need A FREE Medical Alert Card
As a personal injury lawyer, I handle hundreds of insurance claims for injured accident victims. As you can imagine, I become intimate with the details of these accidents…. from police reports, medical records, accident scene photos/video, and witness accounts, etc. I offer a unique perspective as a Portland accident attorney.