An In-depth Look At Successful vs. Failed Wrongful Death Lawsuit Case Examples
One of the best ways to understand the complex characteristics of a wrongful death lawsuit is to examine real-life case examples. This blog takes an in-depth look at both successful and failed wrongful death lawsuits, and the wrongful actions that were the basis for them. Understanding an Oregon Wrongful Death Lawsuit An Oregon wrongful death… read more
A Courtesy “Wave” : Should A Well-Intentioned Driver Be Held Liable For Injuries?
Should a well-intentioned driver who provides an, “all clear” wave to another driver, resulting in serious injury to other people on the road be held liable? This is the question a Multnomah County jury could face if the recent lawsuit filed by Portland bicyclist Cynthia Lewellen goes to trial. repots that Lewellen, an avid cyclist, is suing two… read more