Portland Car Accident Jury Awards $95,720 & Attorney Fees
I recently prevailed in a 4-day Portland car accident jury trial in Multnomah County, against a driver insured by GEICO. The case arose out of an intersection collision in NE Portland when our client’s vehicle was t-boned as she was on her way to pick up her children at school. The Portland car accident resulted in our client suffering two lumbar disc injuries that significantly interfere with her life. Further, she was facing the probability of back surgery due to the crash. Despite the facts, the defendant and her insurance company denied liability for causing the Portland car accident until just 12 days before the trial. Even then, the defense counsel continued to argue that all of our client’s injuries and symptoms were preexisting and not a result of the Portland car accident. Throughout the entire case GEICO’s top settlement offer to our client was $6,250. In the end, the jury’s verdict in favor of our client was for $95,720.
Attorney Fees, Costs, and Expenses Added to Jury Verdict in Portland Car Accident Case
After the verdict we filed a petition for attorney fees, court costs and other expenses based on GEICO’s conduct during the litigation process. After written objections from the defense and a hearing, the judge awarded our client an additional $45,962 in attorney fees, costs, and expenses. In the end, it was a great result for our client who had been wrongfully denied justice for over two years.
The case is all to typical of what many clients experience when attempting to settle a Portland car accident case. Insurance companies aggressively fight to minimize their settlements. Hopefully you will never experience the trauma of being in an accident, even a minor crash, but if you do you will quickly learn that the friendly insurance company you though had your back is also motivated to minimize you settlement. This is done through “take it or leave it” tactics and never ending requests for cost verifications, medical records, and assessments by insurance company sponsored doctors. Insurance companies call this “Delay – Deny—Dispute”. To get a real sense of how these tactics effect your case take a look at the insurance company practices investigative report from CNN:
If you have been injured in a car accident caused by another driver’s negligence, and received major or minor injures, you need to contact a Portland personal injury attorney. You may have a better case than you realize! Even if you have a smaller case, you should speak with a lawyer to help you determine if you need an attorney. Because I work on contingency fee basis (meaning: I don’t get paid unless you do), and I do not take cases unless I think we can win. My initial consultations are always free, so call me at (503) 444-2825, or email at travis@mayorlaw.com.
Travis Mayor, Oregon Personal Injury Attorney
I represent personal injury and accident victims in the Portland Metropolitan Area, Multnomah, Clackamas and Washington Counties, and throughout the state of Oregon. I provide this Blog as an educational and informational service for Oregon residents – it is not intended to be legal advice, as every case is unique and should be accurately evaluated. If you or a family member have been in an accident and would like a FREE professional consultation with an attorney, call me at (503) 444-2825, or email at travis@mayorlaw.com to learn more about your legal rights.
Learn more at: www.mayorlaw.com